The GSP® is a high throughput batch analyzer intended for quantitative or qualitative measurement of neonatal screening samples on 96-well microplates.

The instrument is fully automated, performing every stage of an assay from retrieval of the sample plate from the stacker to measurement and reporting of results. Genetic Screening Processor utilizes specific GSP Workstation software for handling of the newborn screening data.

Design of GSP Instrument, software and screening assays offers multiple advantages for your screening program, including:
• Continuous loading of sample allowing more flexible workflows
• Barcoding of all materials to minimize risk of error and hands-on time
• Multi-technology solution to support high sensitivity DELFIA as well as prompt fluorescence measurements
• Extreme ease of use enabling quick user adoption and also rotation of staff duties
• Newborn screening specific informatics bringing the maximum operational efficiency
• Integrated screening operation supporting further growth and change of your program.

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GSP Neonatal Creatine Kinase -MM kit

GSP Neonatal hTSH kit

GSP Neonatal Thyroxine (T4) kit

GSP Neonatal 17α-OH-progesterone kit

GSP Neonatal IRT kit

GSP Neonatal Biotinidase kit 

GSP Neonatal Phenylalanine kit 

GSP Neonatal Total Galactose kit 

GSP Neonatal GALT kit 

GSP Neonatal G6PD kit